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Where can I donate my books in South Africa?

2022-09-15 10:09:35 -  by Textbook Trader -  0 Comment(s)

Where can I donate books?


So you have a few textbooks lying around and they are either outdated or not needed anymore, Just check up with Textbook Trader, send us an email with the book barcode numbers / isbn numbers, if the textbook is still in circulation we can add them to the website, and you will be able to list them for sale and make some extra money, just make sure that they are in good condition as per the guidelines, you can view the book condition guidelines here: Book guidelines.

So back to the donations, you are wondering how you can de-clutter your home and get those books to someone else. There are many options available which we explain below. The first thing you would want to do is to find out if they are educational books or non-educational books. this will help you decide later on where to donate them.


Local Libraries


The first place would be your local Library. they usually are located within your neighborhood not too far away and most of the time willing to accept your textbooks. Its best to give them a try.



Charity shops


The second option would be to try a charity shop. This would be a great place to donate your textbooks and support a good cause at the same time plus you get to pass on the joy of reading and learning to others, this gives your textbooks a second chance to help someone else. 



Nurseries and Schools


The third option would Nurseries and Schools. If you have children’s textbooks, a great place would be give them to Nurseries and Schools. They are more likely to take them off your hands. This gives you a chance to pass on your books to a younger generation. With this option you are limited to only children’s books, so you would have to find another place to donate the rest of your textbooks.



Tips for donating books


  • Wherever you donate, make sure you ask first. Especially if you plan on donating in bulk. There may be requirements for donations or specific times in which donations are accepted. Plus, even if somewhere accepted donations in the past, things change and you don’t want to take a trip for nothing.


Textbook Trader is the only site in South Africa dedicated to providing university students with a simple, safe and convenient platform to buy and sell their used textbooks saving them tons of cash!!! Textbook Trader lets you buy and sell your textbooks to others anonymously, you no longer need to deal with strangers, keeping you safe. Check us out here: www.textbooktrader.co.za



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